Bluewater Energy continues to lead the renewable industry in new directions, as well as form solid partnerships with some of the most distinguished and forward thinking companies today. We are honoured to have been chosen by another builder of fine homes in Wellington County – Reid’s Heritage Homes in Guelph, ON – to partner on Net-Zero energy projects. These projects will set a new standard for residential homes in the manner in which they consume, and now produce energy.
A Net-Zero energy home is one that produces as much, or more, energy than is consumed by the home on an annual basis. Projects such as these require careful and complex planning and cooperation among many professionals, as well as the incorporation of leading edge technologies.
Bluewater Energy is providing the design, technology, and construction services for the electricity generation and storage component for Reid’s Heritage Homes on these projects. We know that it has been through the vision and hard work of the team at Reid’s Heritage Homes that these projects are being constructed in Guelph, and we are grateful and excited to be a part of the team that is bringing the vision to reality. Look for more updates on these projects and many more in the weeks and months to come. Guelph is truly an exceptional community, with the right focus on a sustainable future for all of us, and we take our responsibility to provide the highest quality solar projects for our grid-tied, and off-grid customers.